Saturday, May 8, 2010

My mother, your mother n our mother...


"Alhamdulillah..kak belajar bersungguh-sungguh. ma n ayah selalu doakan kak. hari ni ayah n ma g hantar mirah (my sister) ke matriks pahang."

Inilah balasan mesej ma ketika saya mesejnya ucap selamat hari ibu. Tapi bagi saya tiap-tiap hari adalah hari ibu. Nak tahu kenapa??

Sebab, walaupun jauh beribu-ribu batu, saya tetap teringatkan ma setiap detik. Apabila mengenang kembali jasa-jasanya, membuatkan air mata menitis tanpa disedari. Besar sungguh jasa dan pengorbanan seorang ibu hingga tidak mampu lagi untuk diungkapkan.

Thanks Allah for giving me a great mom like her~

Let this song tell us more about someone known as "Mother"...

Who should I give my love to?
My respect and my honor to
Who should I pay good mind to?
After Allah
And Rasulullah

Comes your mother

Who next? Your mother
Who next? Your mother
And then your father

Cause who used to hold you

And clean you and clothes you
Who used to feed you?
And always be with you
When you were sick
Stay up all night
Holding you tight
That's right no other
Your mother (My mother)

Who should I take good care of?

Giving all my love
Who should I think most of?
After Allah
And Rasulullah

Comes your mother

Who next? Your mother
Who next? Your mother
And then your father

Cause who used to hear you

Before you could talk
Who used to hold you?
Before you could walk
And when you fell who picked you up
Clean your cut
No one but your mother
My mother

Who should I stay right close to?

Listen most to
Never say no to
After Allah
And Rasulullah

Comes your mother

Who next? Your mother
Who next? Your mother
And then your father

Cause who used to hug you

And buy you new clothes
comb your hair
And blow your nose
And when you cry
Who wiped your tears?
Knows your fears
Who really cares?
My mother

Say Alhamdulillah

Thank you Allah
Thank you Allah
For my mother.

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